Remote Culture: Re-invent Your Meetings With Asynchronous Video

Asynchronous video is shifting the current state for remote work

Asynchronous video is changing remote culture. Remote culture tends to be heavy in video conferencing and has become a great way of collaboration among team members, especially during this tough time of the coronavirus pandemic. There is a massive shift in promoting work to be done remotely away from the office.

When working remotely, the next best thing you can use to meeting face to face with teammates is through video meetings. There are two types of video meetings, Synchronous and Asynchronous.

What is Asynchronous Video?

Asynchronous video is whereby the communication is not live-streamed. The conversation doesn’t happen in real-time. You make a video screencast or screen recording and send it to team members for them to view it at a later time.

On the other hand, synchronous video meetings happen in real-time and require participants to be present. Mostly you and the listeners are in sync during the Zoom virtual meetings. You deliver information and get feedback immediately.

Why Should You Use Asynchronous video instead?

Synchronous communication is still an important part of conducting meetings. However, it should only be used for matters that require the presence of members in real-time such as brainstorming ideas.

Synchronous video meetings require people to be in an always-on connectivity mode which has a mental and emotional cost. Many challenges result from synchronous video meetings such as:

• Poor network connectivity that hinders you from participating in a real-time video meeting. • Video conferencing fatigue due to back to back video calls. • Scheduling a suitable meeting time that is suitable for everyone is difficult. • Synchronous video meetings are not ideal for regions in different time zones. • Time wastage making video calls after videos calls.

Benefits of Asynchronous Video

With teams working remotely and being ever busy, the best way to ensure productivity and effectiveness of meetings is by use of asynchronous videos. Here are some benefits of asynchronous video meetings:

• It allows team members to consume content when it is most convenient for them when they are fresh and ready to take notes. Users can pause, skip or rewind to understand a particular point. • It saves you time by shortening meetings, reducing emails and instant messaging without sacrificing connectivity • Asynchronous videos allow you to record a video meeting, and you can archive the video for future reference. You can go back and re-watch the video meeting. • It is very critical and efficient for remote workers working away from the office in different time zones as they don’t have to inconvenience themselves to attend meetings. • Allows better and more productive conversations because you can reply when you are free of any distractions. • Most efficient when dealing with a broad and regionally distributed audience that needs to participate in a meeting.

• Asynchronous video tools such as Weet broadcast securely via the web and help you to reach more people.

• With recorded videos, you can deliver high definition videos without any interruptions which can be viewed by team members. You can even include supporting visuals to make it easier for people to understand your point.

To sum everything up, we are living in unprecedented times due to the pandemic. When the going gets tough, the tough get going. Companies are re-inventing ways of being more productive during this time. Asynchronous video meetings are a great way to re-invent your meetings to ensure that meetings are conducted for business continuity.

3- Weekly Meetings

Short weekly meetings in the workplace are excellent opportunities to update the staff on any inquiries and changes about ongoing projects. They ensure that both parties, you and the staff, are on the right track, and following a specific plan of action.

Weekly meetings are a great reporting platform where you can brainstorm on the ideas, debate the changes, and get feedback on the updates from your staff before implementing them.

Find a system that compliments your workplace operations and implement it. You can also use an integrated method for updating your staff in the office. Each staff member is different, and what works for one may not work for another.

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