Video to text

Turn your video to text with AI-created subtitles


Turn your video files to text in just one click

Introducing Weet's innovative AI-powered solution for video to text conversion, transforming the tedious task of extracting text from videos. What makes Weet stand out is its unrivaled flexibility - with just one click, you can easily convert video files to text, eliminating the need for multiple tools and simplifying your video to text workflow.

No need to install any software; our user-friendly tool smoothly operates directly from your browser, making video to text conversion accessible and convenient. Whether it's screen recording, interviews, or video presentations, Weet handles your video to text conversion needs seamlessly.

Enjoy an impressive accuracy rate with Weet's AI video to text conversion, surpassing costly alternatives and reducing the need for extensive manual corrections. Our cutting-edge technology delivers text with remarkable clarity, allowing you to save valuable time and resources.

With a Weet Business account, you gain access to unlimited video to text downloads, freeing you from the cost limitations of traditional services. Take advantage of the freedom to convert as many files as you need, enhancing your workflow without breaking the bank.

Discover the ease and efficiency of Weet's AI video to text conversion today! Visit our pricing page for further details on our subscription plans, designed to suit various needs and budgets. Simplify your video to text conversion process and unlock the potential of your video content with Weet's unparalleled video to text capabilities.

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How to convert video to text:

Upload or Record your Video

Click on 'Upload' and Select your video file. You can also record your video by clicking on 'Record'. You can record your screen with or without your webcam or record only your webcam.

Transcribe your video

Once your video is uploaded or recorded, click on the subtitles button. It will ask you to choose the language of your video, then your video is transcribed automatically.

Download your conversion

You can edit your video's transcription and translate it in more than 30 languages. You also have the option download your transcription as an srt file if desired.

How to Convert Video to Text tutorial

Enhance Comprehension

Weet’s video to text feature enables corporate training materials to be accessible and easily understandable for all employees. By converting video content to text, trainees can read and review the training materials at their own convenience. This feature is particularly helpful for non-native English speakers or employees with different learning styles, enhancing better comprehension and memory of the training content.

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Create GMP-compliant training videos

A video to text conversion is essential for validation in a compliance environment as it creates an accurate written copy of the spoken content. In compliance scenarios, it is important to communicate and understand information, instructions, or legal requirements correctly. A video to text conversion enables thorough review, analysis, and verification of the content, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards. The written text supports audits, investigations, and legal proceedings, and helps in validating compliance with guidelines, reducing risks, and strengthening a compliant and accountable environment.

Encourage reviews and feedback

Video to text conversions are useful reference materials for trainees after the training session. Participants can review the content, reinforce their knowledge, and apply the learning in their roles. Having the training content converted to text enables employees to access and review important information anytime they need it. Video to text conversion supports inclusivity within corporate training sessions. Employees with hearing impairments or language barriers can fully engage in the training. The text-based format allows them to consume the information without depending on audio, creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment.



What they say about Weet:

If you are looking for a tool that can help you extract text from your videos for your training videos, I highly recommend Weet. It is a very flexible and powerful tool that can help you convert your videos to text with ease and accuracy. You can also edit, download, or share your text files, which can make them more useful and convenient for your needs. You can also translate your text files to different languages, which can help you expand your reach and impact.

Issa - CEO

More than just converting video to text

You can do a lot more than just convert a video to text with Weet. Weet is a video platform that lets you create and edit interactive videos in minutes. You can record your screen, webcam, or both, and edit your video with features like trimming, noise cancellation, interactive annotations, and more! Weet makes video creation easy and fun.

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