Video hosting

Automatically host videos online, saving you device storage and download times

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Host your videos online - no software download needed

With Weet’s innovative and easy-to-use video hosting service, you can effortlessly upload and share your videos on different platforms, making your videos accessible and enjoyable for online viewing or embedding.

The process is simple and user-friendly:

Simply record or upload your video file.
Choose your preferred video settings and options.
Let Weet’s advanced technology do the rest!

The video hosting service ensures fast and reliable streaming, creating a smooth viewing experience for all, regardless of internet connection or device. Whether you’re creating videos on the manufacturing floor or in an office at a desk, Weet can ensure a seamless training video creation experience.

The benefits are tremendous. By uploading and sharing your videos, you can reach a wider audience, without worrying about storage, bandwidth, or compatibility. You can also embed your videos on other websites who may not have access to the same platforms or features. Your videos become more visible and versatile, enhancing your impact and satisfaction across various channels.

Video hosting service has become a necessity for digitizing paper SOPs and training a large workforce. Weet’s video hosting service equips you with the essential tool to keep your training video portfolio updated, ensuring all employees can learn when and where they want to.


How to host videos online:

Create your video

Record your video with screen share, webcam, a combination of both, and uploading existing video files. Once your video is complete, click "Preview" then share and save it.

Save your video

Once your video is saved, it will appear on your Weet homepage. It will remain there unless you delete it. You have the option to share your video on social media, via email, embed it, and more!

Access your video any time

Once your video is saved you can access it any time you want on your weet homepage or app! You also have the option to download the .mp4 file directly to your device if desired.

Video Hosting tutorial

Measuring Performance and Impact

By hosting your video tutorial online, you can measure your performance and impact more effectively and accurately by using various analytics tools and metrics. You can track and analyze the number of views, likes, shares, comments, or feedback that your video tutorial receives. You can also monitor and evaluate the learning outcomes, satisfaction levels, or behavior changes that your video tutorial produces. You can also use this data to improve or optimize your video tutorial based on the feedback or insights that you gather.

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Save Time & Resources

By hosting your video tutorial online, you can save your time and resources that would otherwise be spent on creating, distributing, or updating your offline or physical materials. You can also reduce the costs of travel, venue, equipment, or staff that may be involved in delivering your offline or live sessions. You can also update or edit your video tutorial easily and quickly, without having to reprint or redistribute your materials.

Choose Desired Video Quality

Weet’s video downloader enables users to enjoy their favorite videos across diverse devices - and without a Wi-Fi connection! By downloading videos in various quality and resolution options such as 4K, HD, SD, or MP3, viewers can customize their video experience according to their preferences and needs. This flexibility ensures that all users receive the same optimal content, enhancing their satisfaction and enjoyment.



What they say about Weet:

I love Weet’s video hosting service so I can easily upload and share any training videos on any device in any quality and format. This saves me storage and bandwidth, as I don’t have to keep the videos on my device. The uploads are fast and reliable, allowing me to stream them smoothly on any device. Weet’s video hosting service helps me reach unlimited viewers, as well as embed them on other websites who may not have the same features or options. I highly recommend Weet’s video hosting service to any video creator who wants to experience the best training videos online.

Cheryl - President

More than just video hosting

You can do a lot more than just host videos with Weet. Weet is an interactive video platform that allow you to record and edit interactive video in minutes: screen recording, webcam recording, video trimming, video joiner, audio noise cancellation, adding interactive annotations, etc…

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