How We Used Async Communication to Adapt to Global Change

How We Used Async Communication to Adapt to Global Change

The COVID-19 pandemic changed the business world in terms of the work environment, meetings, and service provision. Since the start of the health crisis, the world has moved towards the online space. The Weet team was putting in place strategies to adapt to global change. As the magnitude of the pandemic became more evident, we needed to up our game.

There was a significant change in the work environment, moving towards working remotely. This transition was expected to be a great challenge, but the Weet team quickly adapted. At Weet, we moved with speed to implement asynchronous communication. This type of meeting was the perfect way to move toward working remotely.

Weet’s asynchronous capabilities were bundled with tremendous abilities exceeding expectations. The introduction of the Weet video moved an inch closer to achieve the ideal asynchronous meeting. The start of asynchronous meetings brought so much convenience to partners globally. Weet solved the biggest challenge of all in terms of the difference in time zones. Using Weet for async communication, we successfully coordinated schedules without the need to be live.

Asynchronous meetings work better as opposed to all-hands meetings. The screencasting tool helps moderators broadcast information as opposed to text. Members were at a great advantage of leaving video replies.

As the pandemic continues across the world, Zoom virtual meetings have become the only option. Most businesses and companies implemented a work from home policy. Travel restrictions were also made; hence physical meetings were no longer an option. Weet moved quickly in launching online resources with asynchronous video.

What is Weet's Strategy Towards Global Change?

At Weet, we have moved toward creating a personal and social experience. Our customer support team found the Weet video reply very useful. Using our record screen feature, customers can be quickly assisted and guided. Weet took verbal communication to the next level with video and collaboration capabilities.

At Weet, we recognized the gap between different time zones. While one part of the global is on, the other is active at night. Holding real-time meetings is a huge challenge. However, asynchronous video communication made it easy to hold meetings and stay on track globally.

Weet looks at offering move convenience to content consumers. Using Weet allows participants to consume content on their schedule. They can pause, skip, and reply at a convenient time.

What does Weet offer differently towards adapting to global change?

Weet has made a buzz in online interaction. Weet provides much more productive interactions through thoughtful and humanized feedback. Using Weet, participants can leave video replies as well as interact using emoji reactions. Other awesome features include:

  1. Ability to sign up with a personal or work email
  2. Ability to collaborate and react by adding emojis at any point as the video is playing
  3. Ability to share your screen or video
  4. Ability to record voice, video as a viewer and ask questions by sending message along the weet as feedback
  5. You can download, edit, share, or delete your weet video.
  6. Change background appearance with background filters
  7. Show or hide the weeter in the video
  8. Shows you how many views your video has and by how many users
  9. Installing is as simple as adding a chrome extension to your browser

There is a great cut on time wasted during company-wide discussions. Especially when engaging in Question and Answer sessions. Using Weet, staff can join in at the time of convenience and leave a question or feedback.

Weet offers safe storage for records of files and meetings. Screen recording is efficient and allows future access to activity done in the past.

Weet is more productive than your normal email. Using a Weet video, we eliminate the possibility of misinterpretation and wrong perception.

Amongst the biggest wins for Weet is positioning as a remote collaboration tool. Making significant progress towards adapting to global change. Using Weet video, meetings can be held across a different time zone more effectively and responsively. There is also much more productive feedback. Participants can rewind the videos to specific content.

The customer support, marketing and product teams found screen and video recording the best. It’s now easier to communicate and understand a query. Using the screencast recorder, the customer support team sees what you see. This eliminates any shred of doubt when providing customer support.

Weet’s goal remains at ensuring our customers can work in a more efficient and productive environment. The pandemic has brought to life new opportunities for the world to be more agile towards new plans and policies. The world’s organizational culture is changing, and Weet is up to speed.

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