Sharing knowledge within an organization is pivotal to its success. Contributors spend a lot of time, effort, and money to improve valuable databases and information within organizations. Information needs to be accessible, up-to-date, easy to find, and searchable if it’s going to make an impact within an organization.
Nowadays there are seemingly infinite ways to share your knowledge and expertise. There’s always a new app or platform or medium to choose from.
So how do you determine the best way to share your knowledge and expertise? It’s all a matter of effectiveness. Sharing knowledge ineffectively practically guarantees you’re not sharing any information at all. Certainly not to the depth you need your recipients to comprehend what you’re sharing.
Video is far and wide the most effective way to share your knowledge and expertise. According to research conducted by TechSmith, 83% of people prefer watching videos as opposed to accessing instructional or informational content via text or audio.
Here we dive into exactly why video is the best way to share your knowledge and expertise.
Sharing your knowledge and expertise via video is:
1. Personal
With video, your recipients and audience can physically see your facial expressions and pick up on your tone and energy. The importance of this can’t be overstated.
There are so many social cues and messages we pick up on when we communicate with someone face-to-face. Video is the medium that best captures the subtleties of this communication without actually being physically together in the same place at the same time.
Relationships are built upon these subtle communications. There are instances and occasions where an email or a phone call simply does not provide the personal touch needed when you still can’t get on an airplane and meet in person.
2. Clear
Communication is an art form that, for better or worse, can leave a lot of room for interpretation. In any organization it’s incredibly important to be crystal clear when you share your knowledge and expertise.
Spending time and money for a contributor to help the organization, only for them not to communicate this clearly, is an enormous waste of resources for the organization and the people involved in the processes.
Video allows an expert to communicate clearly. Not only can they demonstrate and show their own selves and faces, but they can demo any software or physical processes as well. There is basically no limit to what you can demonstrate and communicate via video, which is not the case with any other medium.
3. Asynchronous
It is simply not cost, time, or energy-effective to host every meeting live and in-person these days. The pandemic has certainly collectively caused us to see how wasteful meetings can be.
With teams more commonly spread out all across the globe, the senselessness of synchronous meetings cannot be ignored. Droves of organizations are embracing asynchronous communication. In other words, management teams and executives across the world are realizing that employees not only don’t require regular meetings, but thrive.
Asynchronous communication means replying on your own time. It empowers employees to get the job done and takes the stress and unproductivity out of constantly answering emails and attending live meetings.
4. Collaborative
Video does not have to be a one-way conversation. In fact, the best tools will prevent that and foster an openly collaborative environment.
When you share your knowledge and expertise with Weet video, users can comment with video, audio, emojis, and text. All contributions are time-stamped, so everyone knows what exact part of the video the commenter is referring to.
You can get the same collaboration as a live meeting, even when your entire team is spread across time zones. A lot of users even report chiming in more than traditional meetings, because the stress of physically speaking up in front of others is eliminated!
5. Demonstrative
Video allows you to share your knowledge and expertise by showing your audience. You can’t do that with email, text, or the phone.
Even live meetings can present a challenge of transporting expensive, large materials to a board room for a short meeting. Why not film a comprehensive video demo instead?
Your audience often needs to see what you are describing to them for themselves. The demonstration of a client or sales meeting is absolutely crucial. Record your perfect demo and share it, duplicate it, edit it, embed it, and distribute it as many times with as many people as you want! There are no limits to what you can create and demonstrate with video, especially as opposed to other mediums of communication.
6. Eliminate Confusion
We’ve all misinterpreted the tone of a text message, or written a well-intentioned email that accidentally sounded harsh. It is a harsh reality of communicating with limited sensory input.
Sharing your knowledge and expertise with video communication eliminates an enormous amount of confusion. Your audience will make no mistakes about what your intended message is, what tone you are conveying, or what emotion you are feeling.
This is not the case with text, email, audio, and other mediums. Every sense we leave out of communication creates more and more confusion. Video is the closest medium we have to communicating face-to-face.
Conclusion: Reasons Why Video is the Best Way to Share Your Knowledge and Expertise
Organizations’ success depends on their ability to effectively communicate. Developing a great product is meaningless if no one finds out about it. Having a great customer service team is pointless if the customers can’t reach them.
Video bridges the gap between expensive, unrealistic in-person meetings and dry, open-ended text-based communication. To share your knowledge and expertise in any organization you must master the art of asynchronous video.
Video is not going anywhere, either. On the contrary, video will make up 82% of Internet traffic by the end of this year. That’s up from just 75% in 2017 (Techsmith). It is imperative that organizations empower contributors like you to share your knowledge and expertise effectively – with video.