We make video easy.

All the tools you’ll need to be more productive and work smarter with video.

No card required

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More than 100 000 companies use Weet

Record your screen

Record your screen and webcam, or upload your existing videos. Deliver quickly professional-looking interactive videos.

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Create free AI Video

Select an actor, type your text in any languages and that's it, your video is ready!

Subtitle & Translate

Generate automatically and translate subtitles into more than 30 languages!

Generate automatically subtitles in seconds

Edit manually your subtitles and adjust the timing

Translate subtitles into more than 30 languages

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Edit, Trim and Publish

Enhance your videos with automatic trim. Instantly remove background noise from audio, and more. All it takes is one click.

Track who's watching

Know what’s working : Get notified and measure the engagement and effectiveness of your video content with detailed analytics.

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Make your video interactive

Add links, spotlight, image, text, button, chapters…


Make all your videos searchable in one place.

Real-time collaboration allows you to record and edit easily your videos with your team.

Built-in comments and interactions visible at any point of your video.

Designated workspaces and channels to help you stay organized and make your videos easy to search.


How our customers use Weet

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Send documents & procedures walkthrough

Create demos & tutorials

Share best practices & how-to

Create videos training & e-learnings

Demo product and new software updates

Need an Enterprise Solution?

Discover SPEACH, our entreprise video training creation, editing and sharing platform.

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Record, Edit and Track videos in one place

An all-in-one platform: from recording, editing, tracking, adding subtitles, translating, and adding interactivity, Weet offers in the same place all the tools you need to create efficient interactive videos.