Add subtitles to video

Add subtitles to videos to make them more understandable and engaging


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Add subtitles (captions) to your video and increase your viewers' engagement

Generating subtitles in video serve as a powerful tool to expand the reach and accessibility of videos. By translating audio into text across over 30 languages, they ensure easy understanding. Surveys reveal that 92% of U.S. consumers watch videos with the sound turned off, while in noisy workspaces, audio remains deactivated. Incorporating subtitles allows viewers to grasp the content more efficiently. However, the process of adding subtitles using complex programs like Camtasia and Premiere Pro can be arduous. That's where we step in to assist. With Weet, you can effortlessly add subtitles to your videos at the click of a button. Making edits is a breeze—simply click on the text and start typing, observing real-time changes. You now have three convenient ways to add subtitles to your video:

  1. Manual typing: Enter subtitles directly.
  2. Auto-generation: Utilize our audio-to-text software to automatically generate subtitles.
  3. Upload an SRT file: Incorporate existing subtitles by uploading an SRT file.

Regardless of your chosen option, easy edits can be made to the timing and content of the subtitles. Furthermore, You can also translate automatically the subtitles to more than 30 languages.

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How to add subtitles to a video:

Generate subtitles :

Adding subtitles in a video is super easy, just follow these steps Once your video in uploaded or recorded, click on the subtitle menu, then click on add an SRT file or generate subtitles automatically.

Adjust text

Access the 'Subtitles' option in the sidebar menu. Once you've added subtitles, you'll find a series of text boxes containing your subtitles or adjust subtitle timings, simply drag the ends of the subtitle blocks on the timeline.

Translate subtitles

You can automatically translate the subtitles in seconds to 30 languages. Choose the original audio languages and choose the translated languages wanted. Et voilà, you have your subtitles automatically generated. You can edit any words and adjust the timeline. If needed, you can also download the translation in a txt file.

Add Subtitles to Video tutorial

Reduce misunderstandings

Adding subtitles to videos reduces misunderstandings by overcoming language barriers, improving clarity, assisting the hearing impaired, enhancing retention, and reducing misinterpretation. Subtitles enable viewers who don't understand the original audio to follow along by translating spoken dialogue into written text. They provide additional context and clarification, particularly in situations with background noise, strong accents, or rapid speech.

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Make your video more engaging

Adding subtitles to a video engages viewers by stimulating both the left and right brain hemispheres. The left brain processes the textual information conveyed through subtitles, enhancing reading comprehension and analytical thinking. Meanwhile, the right brain processes the visual and auditory elements of the video, fostering creativity, emotional engagement, and visual memory. This dual-brain activation promotes a more holistic cognitive experience, resulting in increased viewer engagement and a deeper connection with the content. By involving both hemispheres, subtitles create a synergistic effect that captivates viewers on multiple cognitive levels.

Create compliant videos

Transcribing a video is crucial for validation in a compliance environment as it provides an accurate written record of the spoken content. In compliance-related scenarios, it is essential to ensure that information, instructions, or legal requirements are accurately conveyed and understood. Transcribing the video allows for thorough review, analysis, and verification of the content, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards. The written transcript serves as concrete evidence, facilitating audits, investigations, and legal proceedings. Transcription aids in validating adherence to compliance guidelines, mitigating risks, and maintaining a robust and accountable compliance environment.



What they say about Weet:

“Weet is hands down the top choice for simple video editing software! After trying numerous online editors, I was consistently let down until I discovered Weet. It has exceeded my expectations, offering a seamless experience for creating videos. The platform provides essential features like automatic transcriptions for all my video content, and the ability to edit the subtitles. With Weet, I've found all the necessary tools in one place, making my video editing journey hassle-free and enjoyable.”

Janet - Technical Trainer

More than just adding subtitles to videos

You can do a lot more than just adding subtitles to a video with Weet. Weet is an interactive video platform that allow you record and edit interactive video in minutes: screen recording, webcam recording, video trimming, video joiner, audio noise cancellation, adding interactive annotations, etc...

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